Its been a while since Twitter announced Twitter Cards for publishers. Integrating Twitter Cards makes the site tweets more interactive by displaying additional information like Title, Excerpt, Thumbnail etc.

There are different Cards for different types of content, like videos, images, articles, product, gallery and more. Here’s a guide on how you can integrate Twitter Cards on your WordPress blog.


Today, Twitter introduced Analytics for Twitter Cards. Using Analytics, Publishers can take a look at how tweets from their sites have been performing. It helps publishers in monitoring the Impressions, Clicks, Retweets etc. of the tweets. To access the Analytics dashboard, you just have to head over to the Twitter Analytics site and login to your account if you haven’t already.

The Analytics dashboard is divided in three sections, Tweets, Followers and Twitter Cards.

Tweets Analytics

This is the very first page you get after you login to Twitter Analytics. The page displays all the data related to the tweets you published.

The page lists all your tweets with number of Favorites, Retweets and Mentions. It also displays the number of clicks followed by the Tweet.

It also displays a graph of the mentions, follows and unfollows on the same page.

Followers Analytics


The next section displays all the Followers related data, including the Interests, Countries and States, Cities, Gender. On the top, it displays a graph of the number of followers by time.

Twitter Card Analytics

This page displays the statistics of the tweets with cards. Means, it only displays the statistics of the tweets containing link to the sites.


This page displays the number of tweets, impressions and clicks the tweets received containing link to your site. This statistics that this page displays are pretty useful. It displays link to top tweets with impressions and clicks, so you can have an overview of what kind of tweets work for you.

It also displays the best tweets, so you can repeat those tweets to get more exposure.