
I have been using Buffer app for scheduling my updates and it is one of the best services in its category. I have tried Hootsuite too, but Hootsuite lacks some important things. And I don’t like their website design too. But Buffer is something I find more usable and works pretty well. We have a Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter profile for this blog and it is really hectic to update those profiles individually. Buffer lets users post and schedule updates on their social profiles quickly and in just few clicks. In your Buffer account, you can add multiple social profiles, it supports Facebook, Google+ Pages, Twitter, LinkedIn and App.net. After adding your profiles, you can quickly post updates to your favorite profiles right from your Buffer dashboard.

They also have an extension for Chrome and Safari along with official apps for iPhone and Android. So, Buffer app have a complete suite of apps for users which is really nice thing. Users can post and track their updates from any of their devices. Apart from these apps, Buffer supports dozens of 3rd-party extensions and apps which makes it stand out.

Buffer today has released its official Mac app which lets users add content to their Buffer queue. The app sits in the menu bar and allows users to add updates to be posted. To add content, users just need to type the update in the given space and simply hit the “Add to Queue” button. If you want the update to be posted on your specific profile or profiles, you can click on the top area where it shows your photo and it will list all your accounts which are linked to Buffer App. From there, you can check the profiles on which you want to post the update.


To quickly add links, image and other things from the browser to your Buffer App queue, you can drag the link from your browser to the Buffer App menu bar icon, and after few seconds, it will automatically fetch the title and the link. At the bottom, it shows the characters count. On clicking the gear icon, you can quit or log out of your Buffer account.

The app is pretty simple in functionality and looks pretty nice. The app is very useful for those who use Buffer a lot to post updates to their social profiles. A “Post Now” option to post the update immediately will be helpful. I will still be using Buffer’s Chrome extension instead of the Mac app, which is pretty useless in its current state.

Buffer for Mac is free on Mac App Store.